Sunday, July 14, 2013

KET films on a perfect day

Friday was such a perfect day. 61 degrees in July? And non humid, calm with blue skies! So when the KET, Kentucky Educational Television film crew showed up for the first day of filming the show for Kentucky Life, award-winning series celebrating the people and places of the Commonwealth, we chose to start with filming the gardens, instead of the planned indoor interview.
©Greg Orth, Prentice Walker, KET videographer  
The film crew was so relaxed, they put me at ease and we had a great time together. Valerie Trimble is the producer, Prentice Walker the videographer and Roger Tremaine is the audio technician. I learned a lot about how films are put together, and how much goes into their excellent programming. I recommend you checking out their shows. My show will air in the fall, I'll let you know the date.

It was the first time I had been directed, which I found quite fun. In the afternoon Prentice set up the lights in the studio and they took footage of me collaging and drawing on some abstract paintings I had already started. I also did some walnut ink drawings and painted some brush stokes on a virgin sheet of Arches, which was the first time I let anyone watch me paint. It will be interesting to see how they edit it. 

They return in 2 weeks to do an interview and shoot closeups of the art I have here. I look forward to that time, because it is so enjoyable, and not nerve wracking as I wondered it might be!
©Greg Orth, KO'B with KET film crew Prentice Walker, videographer, Valerie Trimble, producer & Roger Tremaine, audio
Roger, sorry about the gladiola bisecting your face, we'll get a better photo next time.

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