Saturday, June 15, 2013

Bird Bliss for Soiree

We were amazed when the Cardinal couple started nesting in our butterfly bush, so close to our porch. It has been a wonderful spring, verdant because of rain and more birds than ever. Perhaps all occupied space was taken up in the trees on the property. They inspired me to push myself to do another series for the Art Sale Soiree, 2 weeks from now.
©Kathleen O'Brien, Cardinal Bliss, watercolor, drawing, Poppy petals & sepals, collage, 15 x 11"
The Cardinal is our state bird, most welcome in the winter, bringing cheer. If I did not love the effect of the transparency of the Poppy petals, I would not go to the trouble it takes to glue down such a delicate object.
I'll share 1 more, the others will premier at Lynn's soon.
©Kathleen O'Brien, Vermilion Flycatcher Bliss, watercolor, drawing, Elderberry blossoms, collage, 15 x 11"
You may notice the elderberry blossoms in this one, which I posted about gathering a few weeks ago. there are 2 things I love about this bird; the name Vermilion, one of my favorite colors, and that it catches flies, one of my least favorite creatures.

And speaking of couples, we have adopted a nick name for ourselves, along with the birds; "country copulatives". It is a phrase lifted from W. Shakespeare's As You Like It, recently enjoyed outdoors at Josephine Sculpture Park. It is showing this weekend, it's so fun.

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